The conversation between our associates and an Albanian woman from Kamenica in the summer of [...]
The Šar mountain village of Donja Bitinja in the Štrpce municipality is one of only [...]
Our interlocutor, a Kosovar Albanian from the village of Građenik near Kamenica, mentions inns as [...]
Our interlocutor, an Albanian from the village of Hodonovce, answered the questions of our associate [...]
The respondent, a Serbian woman (1982), teacher from Kosovska Kamenica, reminisced about her childhood that [...]
The respondent, a Serbian man from Berivojec, will always remember the March 2004 pogrom and [...]
The Report by Belgrade-based Humanitarian Law Center (FHP) on March violence in Kosovo contains also [...]
Tesstimonies about March violence in Kosovo 2004 collected by FHP include also the information about [...]
In addition to detail accounts on violence and crimes committed against Kosovo Serbs, the Report [...]
Prizren old town community has always been an example of good interethnic relations between local [...]